Monday, February 28, 2011

How to check if the site you’re ordering from is “safe”

This week’s blog article focuses on the security of shopping online. The Epoch Times released the article “More Canadians are Shopping Online” late in 2010 outlining the increase in online orders by Canadians.

Helena Zhu from The Epoch Times did a great job in sharing the collected stats from Statistics Canada about consumers and online shopping between 2007 and 2009.  The most shocking statistic for me was that 48% of people that both did and didn’t engage in online shopping were “very concerned about credit card use.”

Check out the following video for tips on checking the validity and security of a company before ordering from them.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Top 10 Shopping Sites

Everyone enjoys top ten lists so here are my top ten shopping sites and why.
If you think I missed any good one's let me know and I'll add them to the list!

-          ITunes (who isn’t using itunes?!)
      Spud (support local businesses)
-          Ami Clubwear (super cheap clothes & coupons)
-          Lululemon (Easy to navigate online shopping experience)
-          London Drugs (A place where you buy almost anything)
-          Price Canada (hunts the best deals on electronics)
-          The Shopping Channel (easy returns)
-          Amazon (a pioneer in online retail)
-          Think Geek (truly original products)
-          Victoria Secret (just because it’s every girl’s guilty pleasure)

And here are more recommended sites:

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Can You Digg It?

I'm sure the cheesy title has been used before, but this week’s blogging assignment had me signing up on Digg to “digg” a blog post. While I’ve heard of doing this – it was my first time. I chose a short but sweet blog article from the Clearly Contacts blog. While I may have some affiliation to this company, I truly enjoy their blog and the specific post that I Digg’d. With a million things on the go, I don’t really have interest or the attention span to read long winded articles unless they directly speak to me so this article is awesome. Clearly Contacts sells glasses online however they also have a blog that frequently runs themed contests, talks about glasses fashion and how to take care of your eyes.

My favorite post is called “Frames I Love Under $100” which has a quick run down of some popular frame choices that are under $100.00. The blog post is straight to the point and provides direct links to the site to order any of the frames. Posts like this from more websites would be most desired (for me at least), at the end of the day I care about style but only at the right price. I don’t want to weed through an article to find out what’s on sale; I want big pictures and links to low-priced items. I personally enjoy blogs that add new content regularly however keep the article short. I suggest subscribing to blogs from retailers that you enjoy buying from, or even brands that you like - you may just get in on deals that you can’t find anywhere else.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Who's Social Media Campaign Would I Want to Test?!

I would be interested in creating a test for online retailer and their social media campaign through Facebook called “What’s our Relationship Status” in the “For the Fans” tab!/zappos?v=app_172405469440343. This campaign is a Facebook app that asks fans to select one of the messages to describe their relationship with Zappos and posts to the customer’s wall. I would like to find out if this application is actually appealing to customers or do consumers see it as a blatant attempt for free advertising to their friends with no extra benefit to them. I would like to test this aspect of the campaign because social media campaigns require that the customer is engaged, entertained or educated, while they’re choosing the message it doesn’t really provide any entertainment.

The audience I would be interested in testing would be men and women between the ages of 18-35 years old who currently use Facebook and “like” Zappos. Zappos currently has a little over 94,000 fans so I think 1% of their Facebook fan base would be a decent sized group to test (940 participants). With a large group of 940 participants an interactive survey would be the easiest testing option. To get people to participate I would offer the chance to win one of five prizes (along the lines of an Ipad) for participating in the survey. This would be a Facebook tab on the Zappo’s page that has a sign up option; a fan would have to enter their email address to participate. Once the registration has reached 940, all the fans would be emailed a link to a questionnaire that expires within 48 hours. If they complete the questionnaire then they will be entered into the draw for the five prizes.

The link would first have the “What’s Our Relationship Status” application, then the questionnaire would follow. After the questionnaire there would be the option to view or participate in a live chat/open forum at the end with other participants to provide further feedback to the testing moderator or other fans. The questions I would include in the survey are posted below, the discussion option at the end is to allow and encourage discussion between customers and the brand. It’s important to show that the purpose of the survey is to listen to consumer opinions and offer them a chance to speak back to the brand – who knows they may have a good suggestion.

The questions for the questionnaire would be based on the application that they would view first, below are the questions:
-          Have you seen the “What’s Our Relationship Status” application previous to this survey? Y/N
-          If yes, did you use the application? Y/N/NA
-          If no, would you use the application? Y/N/NA
-          Do you like the concept of this application? Y/N
-          Do you feel this application entertains, educates or engages fans? Y/N
-          Do you feel this application is useless or boring? Y/N
-          Do you think this was a successful attempt to share the Zappos love among fans? Y/N
-          Does this application feel like a marketing campaign? Y/N
-          Do you think the tab “For the Fans” is the right place to store this app? Y/N
-          Does this app make you feel like you would:
o   Support Zappos more
o   Support Zappos less

The questionnaire would be kept at 10 questions to dig deeper into people’s initial feelings about the social media campaign without being overwhelming where they sign off because it’s too long. With simple multiple choice or yes/no questions it’s easier for the people running the test to come to a general conclusion than if they were in depth questions. The discussions after the survey would also be analyzed for additional feedback.