Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The End

So it looks like this will be the last post from as marketing 1552 comes to an end. While it was fun I’ll leave you with some of the things I learned about blogging & what a difference it can make.

Online shopping sites already have different standards & characteristics than traditional stores, for this reason a blog is especially important for an online company. Your audience is already online, but what adds personality, credibility, loyalty and a face to a brand? Blogs...

I won’t preach but showing that you’re the expert and a real person on the other end is what will incline your customers to build a relationship with you (one way or not) and develop some sort of emotional connection – as price tags only do a certain amount of talking LOL. 

This was my first ever blog and from experience I can pass on the following information.
1.       Naming your blog (keep it simple, unique & memorable) you want people to remember it without having to bookmark the link... I have regrets on this one...Sometimes you think you wrote a really good post and no one comments – and then another time you think it’s mediocre and there’s lots of activity. Research your audience & evaluate your writing style to adjust and give your fans what they want without losing your style in the process. The hardest thing for me is cutting down the length – but it’s important.

2.       Use the tools that are free and readily available. Comment on other bloggers blogs, invite guest bloggers, build relationships and use social media platforms that share your content with a wide audience!

3.       Lastly, as tough as it was to make a video blog post there’s lots of potential to go viral and visuals are always appealing. By sharing your video on applicable platforms you may finally get the exposure you were looking for!

Lastly, this blog has helped me get over my fear of writing my personal thoughts in public and inspired me to start a “real” blog LOL. This one is for class but I’m the process of starting a blog that tracks daily weird, stupid, funny and strange moments that make me stop and think... If you enjoyed my writing style throughout the semester check out in a couple of weeks and I should be set up J

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Amazon's FB Page

I went to the Facebook page!/Amazon?sk=app_165157536856903 to check out their lay out and creativity.  Let’s start with their wall. They have it organized by their posts - which is smart because negative comments are hidden behind their status updates unless a fan mindfully selects the recent posts option. Amazon posted last 2 days ago with 566 comments! The most recent post was from 5 minutes – from a few minutes of checking them out it looks like they’ve got their 600,000+ fans engaged!
The welcome tab was pretty lame; with the resources they have access to I’d say they’ve dropped the ball. Considering that the welcome page is the first page a consumer lands on before they “like” the fan page – you’d think more efforts would be put into first impressions.  I wasn’t planning on “liking” their page until I saw a fan had a question – so I had to “like” Amazon to answer the question... But this is the epitome of why their welcome page failed – I didn’t want to “like” them after I saw it...
There is one thing that I liked, and it wasn’t done with much creative abilities or fireworks but the @Amazondeals tab got me.  I scrolled down reading their daily deals and next thing you know I’ve clicked through and am searching the daily deals for the studded white gold and diamond earrings for $129!
While Amazon is wildly popular their lame attempt on Facebook is obvious with 600,000 fans – come on, even Papa John’s Pizza has more fans LOL.  In my opinion, the atmosphere is there Amazon just needs to take charge and do something for their fans.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Free Social Media Tracking Tools

After experimenting with multiple free tracking services (over 5 services), Twitalyzer proved to be the most useful in tracking individual and up to date conversations. Other services provided limited and outdated results. With Twitalyzer you can choose the exact search and receive all of the results in chronological order and real time. Even better - you can view multiple searches at the same time.

The company of choice is Lululemon which popular for shoppers both on and offline. I chose Lululemon because they have an aggressive social media campaign so there should be a large pool of results to choose from. 

10 Lululemon Tweets
P - Wooowwwww!! @lululemon stock down $4 and why?? Because they don't have enough clothes to meet their demand... #Success!!! Congrats folks!
P - whats on my wishlist? the @lululemon run:inspire crop. Preaaaaase
P - my bros status on fb is god bless tna and lululemon pants.. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
P - RT @lululemonfans: Congratulations on the new lululemon head office! We're very proud of you!
N - @CrazyCurly where is that Lululemon wall!!?
P - @katyjmeuer Miss you, Katy! Glad you are still in the #lululemon family
P - went to metrotown got a new lululemon jacket and headband and some clothes and went to pizza hut!!
P - @lululemon Love my new gym clothes! Motivated me through a double header @ the gym today.
P - @lululemon LOVE your gym clothes!! they all fit so well & wash so nicely-best material!!
P - @meg76ai omg, you're HOOKED! @lululemon has the most COMFY clothes EVER. there were some traditional sweatpants there i was eyeing up
Comments Sentiment: Positive 9/10 Neutral 1/10 Negative 0/10

My findings using the Twitalyzer reveal a very positive cloud about Lululemon. Most tweets were about Lululemon’s comfortable clothing and the fact that they’re selling out because they’re in such a high demand. While the sample of tweets I pulled were from a specific time (influx of similar topic matter during specific times) the results might be biased, however if I had to draw a conclusion on the tool and what I learned about Lululemon is that Twitalyzer provides exactly what you ask for, and it’s up to you to decipher what it means. In this case, the tweets pulled from the stream were mostly positive except for one which was neutral since the context wasn’t clear.This tells me that Lulu's fans on Twitter are happy and have no problem tweeting about it :)

Sunday, March 13, 2011 is Clothes-Minded, Thinks Inside the Box

Las Vegas, NV - Zappos releases their new television campaign "Step Into Zappos"sharing their quirky culture and endless opportunities to shop online for clothing, accessories and shoes.
February 22nd, 2009  
Client Contact Information:
Tel - 1800-927-7671
 Email -
PR Contact Information:

•Two 30-second and six 15-second spots embed Zappos Ten Core Values in the graphics which are woven throughout the "Step Into Zappos" ad campaign
• New television spots launch on February 22, 2009, airing nationally
• Zappos now has a wider selection of clothes, shoes, accessories, handbags
• Free shipping both ways and 365 day returns
• Airing on cable networks including Comedy Channel, MTV, ESPN, Bravo and E!

"We wanted our new ads to convey the evolution of the brand from an online shoe store to a one-stop shop for your entire wardrobe," said Michelle Thomas, Brand Marketing Manager, 

"The ads show viewers that we've taken all the risk out of shopping online by offering free overnight shipping and returns and a really fun shopping experience without ever leaving the comfort of their own home."

Resources:                                                       Related Links:                                
Zappos Website                                              Zappos.TV Blog
CEO Twitter                                                   CEO & COO Blog
Zappos Facebook                                           Inside Zappos Blog

Established in 1999, has quickly become a leader in online apparel and footwear sales by striving to provide shoppers with the best possible service and selection. In 2008, the company's gross merchandise sales exceeded $1 billion. currently stocks millions of products from over 1000 clothing and shoe brands. was recognized in 2009 by FORTUNE MAGAZINE as one of the "100 BEST COMPANIES TO WORK FOR", debuting as the highest-ranking newcomer to FORTUNE's 2009 list. More information about the company's customer service philosophy, unique company culture, and job openings can be found at More information about the "Zappos Insights" business membership program can be found at

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Online Shopping Sites + Social Networking

Online shopping sites that are well established really should be engaged in social networking sites. Here are some that I found memorable or not:

I've always been a HUGE fan of Zappo’s Facebook page because they’re constantly updating their FB applications for their fans (it seems to be monthly). The current app is about spring fashion with a short video on putting outfits together & at the end reminding their customers of free shipping. I love this video because they’re answering what everyone wants to know – what’s hot this spring? They’re offering different outfits and styles and making it available on their site. It’s combining the desire to be socially accepted and cool and selling it. Love it!

The next online shopping site on my list is H&M, as their discussion board caught my eye. The H&M Facebook Discussion Board was filled with different topics and regions. While I think their wall is a lot more active and popular it’s good that they’re giving their fans a voice. I do feel that H&M is big enough to allocate more resources into building apps for their fans, they certainly have the following.

Lastly, & certainly not the least is the ThinkGeek Facebook page. I love their dedication to geek products and language. Their social media personality is completely dorky and their product features work for them. I like them because their products are weird and out there. So their “New Shinies” tab is awesome! They can directly market to their audience because the audience is being entertained by the products.