Thursday, March 17, 2011

Free Social Media Tracking Tools

After experimenting with multiple free tracking services (over 5 services), Twitalyzer proved to be the most useful in tracking individual and up to date conversations. Other services provided limited and outdated results. With Twitalyzer you can choose the exact search and receive all of the results in chronological order and real time. Even better - you can view multiple searches at the same time.

The company of choice is Lululemon which popular for shoppers both on and offline. I chose Lululemon because they have an aggressive social media campaign so there should be a large pool of results to choose from. 

10 Lululemon Tweets
P - Wooowwwww!! @lululemon stock down $4 and why?? Because they don't have enough clothes to meet their demand... #Success!!! Congrats folks!
P - whats on my wishlist? the @lululemon run:inspire crop. Preaaaaase
P - my bros status on fb is god bless tna and lululemon pants.. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
P - RT @lululemonfans: Congratulations on the new lululemon head office! We're very proud of you!
N - @CrazyCurly where is that Lululemon wall!!?
P - @katyjmeuer Miss you, Katy! Glad you are still in the #lululemon family
P - went to metrotown got a new lululemon jacket and headband and some clothes and went to pizza hut!!
P - @lululemon Love my new gym clothes! Motivated me through a double header @ the gym today.
P - @lululemon LOVE your gym clothes!! they all fit so well & wash so nicely-best material!!
P - @meg76ai omg, you're HOOKED! @lululemon has the most COMFY clothes EVER. there were some traditional sweatpants there i was eyeing up
Comments Sentiment: Positive 9/10 Neutral 1/10 Negative 0/10

My findings using the Twitalyzer reveal a very positive cloud about Lululemon. Most tweets were about Lululemon’s comfortable clothing and the fact that they’re selling out because they’re in such a high demand. While the sample of tweets I pulled were from a specific time (influx of similar topic matter during specific times) the results might be biased, however if I had to draw a conclusion on the tool and what I learned about Lululemon is that Twitalyzer provides exactly what you ask for, and it’s up to you to decipher what it means. In this case, the tweets pulled from the stream were mostly positive except for one which was neutral since the context wasn’t clear.This tells me that Lulu's fans on Twitter are happy and have no problem tweeting about it :)


  1. Hi Julia,

    Interesting post! Which other trackers did you try? I found that they were all so different, so it just depends on what you are looking for. I think the fact that Twitalyzer are up-to-date is very beneficial, because if you want to research what people are saying "right now", you don't want to look at Tweets from a day or even a week ago! But I do agree with your comment that it "provides exactly what you ask for, and it’s up to you to decipher what it means." I found that as well while researching Starbucks.

    It does seem like Lululemon has a very positive sentiment on Twitter, I wonder if it would be the same for Facebook and other forms of Social Media? I found it varied a bit, depending on what platform I was using. Interesting stuff!

  2. Hey Victoria,
    Ya I tried almost all the recommended free programs in the course and I found that many only provided limited results that weren't totally clear. I picked this one because it gave me what I asked for :) It is interesting, like you said they also have different benefits and uses.
